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Lipotrope prevents fat accumulation in the liver. The liver removes fatty acids from the diet or from accumulated fat deposits by degrading and oxidizing them when the body must call on fat as a major energy source. Lipotropic factors must be active to prevent abnormal accumulation of fats in the liver. By a process called transmethylation, these lipotropic agents promote the production of lipoproteins, which transfer the fatty acids out of the liver. (62)

Normal liver fat is 5-15%, whereas, a diabetic's liver consists of 25-35% fat. The percentage of liver fat may also be increased by:

·  Excessive alcohol consumption
·  Birth control pills
·  Estrogen usage
·  High vitamin B-1 and B12 intake
·  Cobalt treatments

Conditions that can result from liver dysfunction include:

·  Menstrual irregularities
·  Constipation
·  Hypertension
·  Blood sugar metabolic imbalance
·  Fatigue
·  Glaucoma
·  Arteriosclerosis
·  Hepatitis
· Jaundice

Hormone conjugation also occurs in the liver. By keeping the liver healthy, Lipotrope aids in this reaction. Estrogen can be carcinogenic if it is not conjugated. Calcium, protein, mineral, and fat metabolism are all regulated by components of conjugated estrogen. An unhealthy, fatty or cirrhotic liver cannot perform these functions efficiently.

In addition to the protective and regenerative milk thistle herb, Lipotrope includes specific vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbs, each of which is targeted to lipid metabolism and healthy liver function. These nutrients aid the liver and gallbladder in metabolism of lipids and conjugation of hormones such as estradiol:

Choline is considered one of the B vitamins. It functions with inositol as a basic constituent of lecithin. It appears to be associated primarily with utilization of fats and cholesterol in the body. It prevents fats from accumulating in the liver and facilitates the movement of fats into the cells. Choline combines with fatty acids and phosphoric acid within the liver to form lecithin. It improves liver and gallbladder function and helps prevent gallstones. (63)

Inositol, like choline, is a constituent of lecithin, which is needed to move fats from the liver to the cells. High intake of caffeine may create an inositol shortage in the body. (63)

Vitamin B-6 is involved in the metabolism of fats and fatty acids, especially the essential unsaturated fatty acids. Birth control pills increase the risk of gallstones, which can be caused by oxalic acid toxicity. Vitamin B-6 detoxifies oxalic acid. (67)

Vitamin B-12 and Folic Acid are used in the synthesis of methionine and choline. The coenzyme of vitamin B-12 is a carrier of methyl groups and hydrogen and is necessary for carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism. Because of its methyl transfer role, vitamin B-12 is active in the synthesis of the amino acid methionine from its precursor, homocysteine. The coenzyme transfers methyl groups from methyl folate, a derivative of folic acid, to homocysteine and methionine is formed. Because methionine is needed in choline synthesis, B-12 plays a secondary role in the lipid pathway. A choline deficiency that causes fatty liver can be prevented by vitamin B-12 and the other methyl donors: betaine, methionine, and folic acid. (63)

PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) stimulates the bacteria in the intestines, enabling them to produce folic acid, which in turn aids in the production of pantothenic acid. (63)

Pantothenic Acid has clinical application in lipogenesis formation of cholesterol, formation of steroid hormones and detoxification of drugs. (62)

Magnesium is necessary for coenzyme A reaction. This mineral has been shown to enhance enzymatic activity in the liver. (64) Vitamin and trace mineral deficiencies lower coenzyme activity. (61). In case studies, magnesium has been credited with dissolving gallstones. (67) Alcohol consumption increases the dietary need for magnesium threefold. (64)

Celandine is primarily used as a liver-detoxifying herb for the treatment of hepatitis, jaundice, cancer, psoriasis, eczema, and skin problems. (68)

Chionanthus is a mild stimulant for the bowels and a tonic that strengthens or invigorates organs or the entire organism. This herb has a beneficial effect on the kidneys and liver, including acute and chronic liver inflammation and cirrhosis of the liver. (66) It has been used successfully in treating menstrual disorders, hepatic derangements, jaundice, enlarged spleen and jaundice with arrest of menses. (65)

Black Radish appears to help speed up the flow of bile and has a detoxifying effect on the liver and spleen. (67)

Beet Leaves have been found to increase bile flow as well as aid in carbohydrate and fat metabolism. (67)

Betaine is a source of methyl groups. It is used in the liver for the detoxification of free radicals and other active by-products. (67)

Methionine acts as a methyl donor and antioxidant in liver tissues and aids healing and detoxification of these tissues. (67) Its primary lipotropic function is to prevent excess fat accumulations in the liver by increasing lecithin production. (68)

No specific claim is made for this nutritional preparation. Any recommendations for its use are based solely upon the discretion of the doctor or other qualified medical health care practitioner. This information in this chapter is based upon authoritative and reliable sources.

Lipotrope Formula (per capsule)
Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) 100 mg.
Choline Bitartrate 150 mg.
Inositol 75 mg.
Vitamin B-6 5 mg.
Vitamin B-12 100 mcg.
Folic Acid 100 mcg.
Pantothenic Acid 125 mg.
PABA 50 mg.
Vitamin C 50 mg.
DI-Methionine 50 mg.
Betaine3HCI 60 mg.
Black Radish 50 mg.
Green Beet Leaf Powder 30 mg.
Chionanthus 30 mg.
Magnesium Aspartate 25 mg.
Celandine (Shelidonium majas) 15 mg.

During my treatment I took:
One to two lipotrope capsules three times per day.

Lipotrope Products Now Available

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