All emails, letters, phone conversations and transcripts and or
interpretation of phone conversations listed on this message board
are provided by the sender as an expression of their right to 'Free
Speech'. Nothing on this message board was solicited. These
are the words, feelings and responses from individuals who are invoking
their right of Freedom of Speech.
Any response
I have written in regard to any message is my opinion and has not
been evaluated by the FDA.
These messages
have not been altered from their original content other than correcting
spelling errors, correcting punctuation and the removal of address,
phone numbers and names when requested by the sender. The sole intent
and purpose of this message board is to give people a place to post
their opinions, results of their blood tests and express their feelings.
No message on
this board should be construed as or is intended to be an advertisement
for any product provided on this web site.